2018diciembre Search, return and agency for a writing in Quichua Santiagueño language: Mario Tebes (1927-2009)
Andreani, Héctor Alfredo
“To not work from sunrise to sunset”. The senses of education in young and adult members of Bolivia’s horticultural migrant families of Gran La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lemmi, Soledad - Morzilli, Melina - Moretto, Ornella
Simplified knowledge, technoscience and risk omission. The case of genetically modified organisms
Francese, Christian - Folguera, Guillermo
The “ethnic thing” is fashionable. Performativity, criticism and agency around the Indoamerican discourse in Vogue (2000-2017)
Mora Silva, Julimar
Ethnicity in the public space. The descendants of Polish immigrants in the Misiones Province
Porada, Katarzyna
Diagram of a device. Prohibition of drugs and processes of subjectivation
Lynch, Fernando M.
The “dark” world of crime in Buenos Aires. Blackness and police gaze in the Galería de Ladrones de la Capital (1880-1887)
Gimenez, Santiago Manuel
Cosmología y naturaleza mbya-guaraní
Lavazza, Hugo
Categorizaciones, dispositivos e intervenciones tecnológicas en la 'transexualidad'. Un análisis desde la Antropología de la Ciencia, entre lo local y lo global.
Dellacasa, María Alejandra
junio Rubble, The Afterlife of Destruction (Escombros, la posvida de la destrucción). Gastón R. Gordillo. 2014. Rubble, The Afterlife of Destruction. Durkham: Duke University Press.
Gómez, Mariana Gómez
‘My grandmother who is an elephant is in the sky’. Pperception of the peri-urban space among the Qom of Derqui (Buenos Aires)
Sarra, Sonia Elizabeth
Stepping hard and invoking saints. Bodily forms of knowledge to walk in the Andean landscape
Fontes, Cristina
“Para que el winka sepa que este territorio lo llamamos de otra forma” Producción de memorias y experiencias de territorio entre los mapuche de Norpatagonia
Ramos, Ana Margarita - Cañuqueo, Lorena
Disputas de sentido, conflictos y negociaciones en torno al patrimonio cultural y el desarrollo del turismo en la Quebrada de Humahuaca (Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina)
Salleras, Lucila
Contributions of feminist anthropology to the local debate on prostitution
Daich, Deborah
Constesting the symbolic order: child and youth orchestras in Argentina
Avenburg, Karen
Beyond multiculturalism. Intercultural community research in the Indigenous Regional Council of Cauca, Tierradentro, Colombia (1991-2015)
Levalle, Sebastián