2020noviembre South American agricultural science journals indexed in SciELO: relationship with agricultural development indicators
Hinojosa Benavides, Rene Antonio - De la Cruz Marcos, Ruggerths Neil - Espinoza Quispe, Carlos Enrique
Proposal for the fusion of scientific disciplines at the university: Strategies from research, teaching and governance
Serrano, Jorge Caldera
Presence of social networks in Argentine museums of National Management. Significant progress in its implementation (2015-2017)
Ristol, Marcela
Authorities's control of proper names: The subject headlines in the Repositorio Institucional Nínive
Montero O' Farrill, José Luis - Pérez Pérez, Maylén Beatriz - de la Vara Garrido, Niurka - Reyes Hernández, Flor María
octubre The role of the penitentiary library in the social rehabilitation of inmates of the "Puente Grande" Penitentiary Complex, Jalisco, Mexico
Ochoa-García, Julián - Martínez-Camacho, Humberto
Scientific concentration and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean at the beginning of the 21st century: A scientometric study
Santin, Dirce Maria - Caregnato, Sônia Elisa
The sale catalogues of the Argentine booksellers: Emergence and specialization of an ephemeral advertising medium, 1850-1920
Murillo Sandoval, Juan David
Libraries, books and readings through COVID-19
Blanco, Nancy
Pies de imprenta y colofones falsos: repertorio bibliográfico de impresos fingidos en la Navarra del siglo XVII
Ruiz Astiz, Javier
Management of the inter-library loan service of the Cordoba University Library Agreement (ABUC)
Chaves, María Luz - Martín, Sandra Gisela
Dilemmas of Argentine university libraries regarding the access and dissemination of scientific literature
Fushimi, Marcela - Pené, Mónica - Unzurrunzaga, Carolina - Sanllorenti, Ana María
Bibliometric and scientometric analysis of the scientific production of Peru and Ecuador from Web of Science (2009-2018)
Limaymanta, Cesar H. - Zulueta-Rafael, Hilda - Restrepo-Arango, Cristina - Alvarez-Muñoz, Patricio
mayo Más allá de la mensajería instantánea: WhatsApp como una herramienta de mediación y apoyo en la enseñanza de la Bibliotecología
Rodríguez Valerio, Daniela
Omission and forgetfulness in the history of library services in Argentina
Romanos, Susana
The National University of Engineering (UNI) through its patents and utility models. Production and network analysis
Agüero Aguilar, Carlos Enrique
Interdisciplinary research and societal impact: analysis of social media
Álvarez Bornstein, Belén - Montesi, Michela
Information literacy in the context of the 21st century university
Alonso-Arévalo, Julio - Saraiva, Rosa María
El legado profesional como patrimonio institucional: la obra bibliotecológica de Hanny Stoecker de Simons en la Biblioteca Pública de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Meclazcke, Julián
Disinformation and Misinformation, Post-truth and fake news: conceptual precisions, differences, similarities and juxtapositions
Estrada-Cuzcano, Alonso - Alfaro-Mendives, Karen - Saavedra-Vásquez, Valeria
The circulation of knowledge and the problem of authorship in the viceregal press. An analysis of the Correo de Comercio, 1810-1811
Maggio Ramírez, Matías
Repositorios institucionales digitales de acceso abierto: una mirada socio-tecnológica. Estudio de caso del repositorio de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos - Argentina
Andrés, Gonzalo - Cortassa Amadio, Carina - Wursten, Andrés - Legaria, Juan Ignacio
Revisiting academic writing in Librarianship and Information Science. Formalism versus openness?
Parada, Alejandro E.