2000diciembre Editorial guidelines and information for authors
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
Bibliography produced by the Ethnohistory team
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
The social conflict, a new approach to the history of the Jesuit reductions in Paraguay
Avellaneda , Mercedes
A propósito de la relación sujetos-estructura. La jurisdicción de la doctrina de indios entre las comunidades aymaras del sur de Bolivia a fines de la colonia
Adrián , Mónica
Celebrations of royal power in Lima: theoretical-methodological itineraries
Ortemberg , Pablo
Military and religious conquerors and colonizers of colonial Tucumán. Theoretical and methodological considerations
Quarleri, Lía
From the archeology/ethnohistory relationship to the study of ethnic identities in historical perspective: deconstructing the Tehuelche
Nacuzzi, Lidia R.
Analysis of the processes of formation of sociocultural identities at the end of the colonial period
Wilde , Guillermo
Towards a reflection on power, identity and strategies on a border in Tucumán
Zanolli , Carlos Eduardo
"Ethnohistory" of La Rioja? Projections and limits of an interdisciplinary practice
Boixadós , Roxana
The 18th century in colonial Tucumán. Perspective from Historical Anthropology
Lorandi , Ana María
Challenging the isochrony of the pendulum. Theory and practice of Historical Anthropology
Lorandi , Ana María - Wilde , Guillermo
Theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of the attributes of power in the Andes. 16th and 17th centuries
Bunster, Cora
History and Social Sciencies: readings of a French debate around 1900
Revel , Jacques
Preliminares: autoridades, créditos, índice, prólogo del editor y agradecimientos
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
abril Preliminaries: authorities, credits, table of contents; In memoriam: Franklin Pease and editorial note
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
Episcopal power and capitular power in struggle: the conflict between Bishop Malvar y Pinto and the Ecclesiastical Cabildo of Buenos Aires over the question of the liturgy
Di Stéfano, Roberto
The Jesuits in colonial La Rioja: the mechanisms of land acquisition. Integration and conflict (1624-1767)
Quarleri, Lía
Origins of the Jesuit-Guarani alliance and its consolidation in the 18th century
Avellaneda, Mercedes
Book review about: Reseña sobre: The New Latin American Misson History, by Langer, E. & R. Jackson (eds. 1995)
Avellaneda , Mercedes
The Guaraní attitude towards the expulsion of the Jesuits. Rituality, reciprocity and social space
Wilde , Guillermo
Review about: Thread of blood. Colonialism, revolution and gender on Mexico's northern frontier, by Ana María Alonso (1995)
Schaposchnik, Ana
Tumultos y motines. La conflictividad social en los pueblos guaraníes de la región misionera (1768-1799)
Hernández, Juan Luis
Paraguayans, Portuguese and Mbayas in Concepción, 1773-1840
Areces, Nidia
Review about: Brujas y adivinos en Tucumán (siglos XVII y XVIII), by Carlos Garcés (1997)
Farberman, Judith
Editorial guidelines and information for authors
Memoria Americana. Cuadernos de Etnohistoria, Comité Editorial
Old resentments, new conditions: ladinos, indigenous people and the state of Guatemala, 1838-1871
Connaughton, Brian