2002julio Book review about: Sociabilidad en Buenos Aires. Hombres, honor y cafés 1862-1910, by Sandra Gayol
Lorandi , Ana María
Book review about: La búsqueda del signo de Dios. Ocupación jesuítica de la Baja California, by Miguel Messmacher (1997)
Quarleri, Lía
Book review about: Silencing the Past. Power and the Production of the Past, by Michel-Rolph Trouillot (1995)
Lazzari, Axel
Between norm and practice: the family in the puna of Jujuy, 1770-1870
Gil Montero , Raquel
The marriages of Soconcho. Endogamy, land and community in three Indian towns of Santiago del Estero, 1750-1809
Farberman, Judith
Elite families in Salta at the end of the colonial period. Business and power relations
Mata de López , Sara E.
Characterization of domestic units through comparative analysis of the life cycle (jurisdiction of Córdoba, 1750-1778)
Tell , Sonia
Family and power in colonial Catamarca. The Nieva and Castilla (1630-1730)
De la Orden de Peracca , Gabriela
Editorial guidelines and information for authors
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
Carta Anua of Paraguay Province
Amigó , María Florencia
Preliminaries: authorities, credits, table of contents and editor´s foreword
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
Review essay: The southern Andes and the peasant communities of contemporary Peru. About the "practical" relations between anthropology and history
Sendon , Pablo
Book review about: Pueblos del chañar y el algarrobo. Los atacamas en el siglo XVII, by José Luis Martínez C. (1998)
Zanolli, Carlos
Volume review, Revista de Indias LIX: Estado y política indígena, Hispanoamérica, Estados Unidos y Australia, s. XVI-XX, coordinted by Mónica Quijada (1999)
Briones , Claudia