2005septiembre Book review about: La vida política en la Argentina del siglo XIX. Armas, votos y voces, by Hilda Sábato & Alberto Lettiari (comps., 2003)
Biondino , Claudio
The Jesuit missionary system in Baja California: colonial domination and indigenous resistance
Guevara , María Victoria
The Yaqui Rebellion of 1740: Prelude to Jesuit expulsion from New Spain
Hu-DeHart, Evelyn
Book review about: En busca de un tiempo perdido. La economía de Buenos Aires en el país de la abundancia 1750-1865, by Raúl Fradkin y Juan Carlos Garavaglia (eds. 2004)
Mosse , Valeria
Preliminaries: authorities, credits, table of contents and editor's foreword
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
In Memoriam. María Elena Cassiet, great librarian
Hampe Martínez , Teodoro
Jesuits, women and power: the case of the missions on the Chaco borders (18th century)
Vitar , Beatriz
The Guaycuros, Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries, and José Gálvez: The failure of Spanish policy in Baja California
Jackson , Robert H.
Book review about: El taller de los espejos. Iglesia e imaginario 1767-1815, by Jaime Peire (2000)
Perusset, Macarena
The treaties written with the indigenous societies on the edges of the Salado River during the 18th century, an analysis from the Ius Gentis
Néspolo, Eugenia A.
Book review about: Los dueños de la tierra. Economía, sociedad y poder. Tucumán, 1770-1820, by Cristina López de Albornoz (2003)
Rodríguez, Lorena B.
The indigenous contribution to missionary music in Mojos (Bolivia)
Waisman, Leonardo J.
Editorial guidelines and information for authors
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
The immigrant bride and groom. An investigation of marriage records (Parish of San Isidro, 1740-1816)
Pérez , Mariana A.
The Jesuits at Lake Nahuel Huapi: approaches to a brief mission in Patagonia (1669-1717)
Nicoletti , María Andrea
"¿How can I lie that I'm Spanish because of my clothes?" The maintenance of Guaycuru borders and identity in Chaco -16th to 17th centuries
Castilhos de Araujo Cypriano , Doris
Book review about: Pour une géopolitique de la guerre des Tepehuán (1616-1619). Alliances indiennes, quadrillage colonial et taxonomie ethnographique au nord-ouest du Mexique, by Christophe Giudicelli (2003)
Paz , Carlos
Book review about: El Mundo de Dorothea. La vida en un pueblo de la frontera de Buenos Aires en el siglo XIX, by María M. Bjerg (2004)
Yangilevich , Melina
The Jesuit conquest of the northwest of New Spain
Hausberger , Bernd
febrero The age of the auca runa in the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina)
Nielsen, Axel E.
Editorial guidelines and information for the authors
Memoria Americana , Comité Editorial
Book review about: Tierra y poder en Salta. El Noroeste argentino en vísperas de la Independencia, by Sara E. Mata de López (2000)
Lorandi , Ana María
Book review about: Encomienda, familia y negocios en Charcas Colonial, by Ana María Presta (2000)
Lorandi , Ana María
Between the Bourbon reforms and the Andean utopia. Critical comments on a historiographic debate about the Andean rebellions in the 18th century
Biondino , Claudio M.
Book review about: Reading Inca History, by Catherine Julien (2000)
Bunster , Cora V.
Family networks, economic changes and social permanences in Tucumán
López de Albornoz, Cristina
Book review about: Los discursos sobre los otros. (Una aproximación metodológica interdisciplinaria), by José Luis Martínez C. (ed.,2000)
Lorandi , Ana María
Monarquía católica, mundialización y mestizajes: algunas pistas para el historiador de hoy
Gruzinski, Serge
General reflections about Inca policies based upon the institution of the mitimaes
Rodríguez , Lorena B.
Which north are we talking about? Historical perceptions of space and its consequences in the research of pre-Hispanic and colonial societies of northwest Argentina
Sica , Gabriela
About the possibilities of finding traces of a long historical tradition in the sources of the 16th and 17th centuries
Szeminski , Jan