2009diciembre The Uses of the Juridical System: Rhetoric and Violence in a Claim for Communal Lands. Amaicha Del Valle, 19 th Century
Rodríguez, Lorena B.
To Make Believe. Narrative Strategies in the Testimonies of the Last Ranquel People
Karrer, Wolfgang
“Race”, ethnic and genetic adscription in Uruguay
Sans, Mónica
The Question of Alterity: the Bitter Life of the Guaraní Tupã According to the White Man's Literature and to the Mbyá's Lively Oral Version
Ruiz, Irma
Lexematic change as anthropological sign, in two versions of a tradicional story
Coto de Attilio, Patricia H.
DETIENNE, Marcel. 2005. Cómo ser autóctono. Del puro ateniense al francés de raigambre . México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 146 pp.
Villar, Diego
julio Understanding the Paleoamerican and its Probable Extinction, Through Comparative and Experimental Inferences
Pucciarelli, Héctor M.
To Fund, to Govern and to Pray. An Aproximation to the Links Between Society, Politics and Religion in Colonial Jujuy (1656-1776)
Estruch, Dolores
On Intensity or Rights of the Body. Affectivity as Object and Method
Alexandre Surrallés, Alexandre
The massacres of the oblivion. Napalpí and Rincon Bomba in the genealogy of the genocide and racism of state in Argentine
Trinchero, Héctor Hugo
CITRO, Silvia. 2009. Cuerpos significantes: Travesías de una etnografía dialéctica . Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos. 351 pp.
Aschieri, Patricia
Choices in surgical contraception: A view on the relationship between technique and person
del Río Fortuna, Cynthia