2023diciembre Un estudio de caso que refleja la situación de la documentación publicitaria en las empresas españolas
Cruz Gil, María del Carmen
Panorama curricular de la enseñanza de normas jurídicas que inciden en la actividad bibliotecológica
Torija Zane, Lucía
Blanco, Nancy - Bentivegna, Nancy
The capricious 1500, a discussion on the definition of incunabula
López Arévalo, Robinson
Strategic management of external organizational communication in the era of social media. Challenges of the BUCOC network member libraries
Rodríguez, Mariela
Application of neuroeducation and Design Thinking as a didactic strategy in the university classroom. Experience in the Quantitative Methods I course of the Library and Information Sciences course at the University of Costa Rica
Mora-Coto, Grettel María - Rodríguez-Valerio, Daniela
The role of bibliographic, institutional and person identifiers in bibliographic control
Martín, Sandra Gisela
Information Literacy on Cuban pedagogical careers
Hernández-Campillo, Thais Raquel - Veranes Gálvez, Lisandra - Arias Hidalgo, Ania Beatriz
noviembre Science and Technology Studies in Colombia: Research Groups and Collaboration
Guerrero-C, Javier - Restrepo Medina, Liliana Patricia - Uribe Martínez, Astrid Girlesa - Jaraba Barrios, Bruno Andrés - Lucio-Arias, Diana
Creación de un escáner aéreo para la digitalización de material bibliográfico patrimonial
Guadamuz-Villalobos, Jairo
junio Editorial
Blanco, Nancy - Bentivegna, Nancy
The scientific production of Uruguay from the Web Of Science (WOS): 40 years of science with international visibility
Fontans-Álvarez, Exequiel - Aguire-Ligüera, Natalia - Feo Cediel, Yennyfer
Reading habits of students from Ecuadorian universities
Suárez Monzón, Noemí - Gutiérrez Gallego, José Antonio - Soto Vázquez, José - Jaraíz Cabanillas, Francisco Javier - Sevilla Vallejo, Santiago - Pérez Parejo, Ramón
NeoCartography and geoliteracy: How the representation of cartographic materials in information systems intervenes in the search practices of geography community
Blanco, Nancy - Indart, Camila - Bentivegna, Nancy - Bedini, Eugenia
The Indigenous Pictorial Codices held in the National Library of Mexico
Rosas Xelhuantzi, Tesiu
Exploring the “school archive” concept
Frasson Martendal, Fernanda
Characterization of the performance levels of informational competence: The case of Universidad José Vasconcelos, México
Espinoza Colón, Jorge
A A fine stitch: Archives, information, mediation
Guelfi Campos, José Francisco
The role of libraries in the socio-educational reintegration of adolescents deprived from freedom: Analysis of five libraries of Latin American juvenile detention centers
Flores-Fernández, Cherie - Civilo-Becerra, Maureen - Avilés Cañón, Pamela - Fernández Schutz, Rodrigo
Construction of global citizenship through rural libraries. A systematization of two experiences in Colombia
Aguilar-Forero, Nicolás - Salazar, Fernando - Aguilar Forero, Paloma
Written Culture in an Art Museum. Objects and practices of the written word in Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez in the mid-twentieth century
Pedroni, Juan Cruz
Assembling the province. The cartographic works of the Dirección General de Tierras y Geodesia of Buenos Aires province (1913-1981)
Mazzitelli Mastricchio, Malena