2023diciembre Ibero-American Egyptology: Balance and Prospects
Campagno, Marcelo
Yellow Coffins: New Workshop Practices in 21st Dynasty Thebes
Sousa, Rogério
The Tomb of Amenmose and Iuy in Dra Abu el-Naga (TT 19). New Project and a Proposal for its Artistic Study
Menéndez, Gema - Vivas Sainz, Inmaculada
A Street from a Late Period Necropolis in South Asasif
Molinero Polo, Miguel Ángel - Martín Flores, Alfonso
Ritual, Symbolism and Social Cohesion. Hunting in Predynastic Egypt
Pérez Largacha, Antonio
Research Project at Heracleopolis Magna (Ehnasya el-Medina). Contributions to the History of Egypt
Pérez-Die, M. Carmen
Reception or Receptions of Ancient Egypt? Different Expressions of the Globalization of Knowledge of the Ancient World
Sales, José das Candeias - Mota, Susana
Recent Discoveries at the Site of the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III
Seco Álvarez, Myriam
A Project for the Paleographic Study of the Coptos Decrees
González León, Daniel
Pharaonic Praise of Cruelty: Depiction of Emotions in War and Post-War Images from the Old Kingdom
Gayubas, Augusto
Offerings for the Afterlife. A Proposal for the Analysis of the Doorway to the Chapel of the Tomb of Amenmose (TT 318)
Rosell, Pablo M.
Narrative and Images in the Tomb of Amenmose (TT318)
Zingarelli, Andrea Paula - Fantechi, Silvana Elena - Yomaha, Silvana Lorena - Castro, María Belén
Latest Finds in Oxyrhynchus (El-Bahnasa), Egypt. 2021 Campaign. Tombs 53 and 54 from the Saite Period
Mascort Roca, Maite - Pons Mellado, Esther
La dinastía norteña de Omrí y la ruptura con el pasado hebreo (ca. 883-841 a.C.), de Magdalena Magneres
Jaruf, Pablo
Campagno, Marcelo
The Forgotten Valley. The Crisis of a Paradigm on the Valley of the Cache of Royal Mummies in Luxor
Pérez-Accino, José Ramón - El-Leithy, Hisham
Emeralds, Legions, and Nomads: Latest Results of the Sikait Project
Oller Guzmán, Joan - García-Dils de la Vega, Sergio
Categorization, Nomenclature and Identification of Animal Species of Ancient Egypt: the Case of the Predatory TnHr
Borrego Gallardo, Francisco L.
The Care for the Vulnerable in Egypt: a Fetal Burial at Oxyrhynchus
Castellano i Solé, Núria
25 Years of Archaeological and Epigraphic Work at Saqqara. Reconstructing the Tomb of Imephor Impy Nikauptah from Kom el-Khamaseen
Cervelló Autuori, Josep