Pensar en Derecho, a. 2, no. 03
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Departamento de Publicaciones
Tipo de documento:
artículo - info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
application/pdf  |   kb.  | p. 31-49
Dossier: La empresa comercial: proyección hacia la comunidad. -- El trabajo, luego de analizar brevemente algunos principios del orden jurídico y la realidad del mundo empresario, se pregunta si el lucro es el motivo central de las empresas comerciales y cuál es la posición de las empresas frente a la comunidad. Se presenta un subtipo de sociedades que llamamos "empresas B", sobre la base de la figura similar norteamericana (Benefit corporations) y se plantea la necesidad de crear una figura legal nueva.
Ver resumen completo
A new DNA business is growing, which will use the power of the market to give structural solutions to social and environmental unbalances. Benefit Corporations or "B Corporations" are the amalgamation between corporations and non-profit-making organizations. B Corporations have been created from the idea of commercial companies though they include a social objective. In fact, they combine Abstract: A new DNA business is growing, which will use the power of the market to give structural solutions to social and environmental unbalances. Benefit Corporations or "B Corporations" are the amalgamation between corporations and non-profit-making organizations. B Corporations have been created from the idea of commercial companies though they include a social objective. In fact, they combine profitable as well as benefit purposes. B Corporations are the answer to new social requirements; they are not similar to any other legal type; therefore, the creation of a new type of these corporations in order to cover all their peculiarities will be required. B Corporations are the answer to new social requirements; they are not similar to any other legal type; therefore, the creation of a new type of these corporations in order to cover all their peculiarities will be required.
See complete abstract
Filiación Institucional:
Fil: Etcheverry, Raúl Aníbal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Institución aportante:
Facultad de Derecho
Biblioteca cooperante:
Biblioteca de la Facultad de Derecho
Licencia de uso:
Licencia Creative Commons

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Cita bibliográfica:

Etcheverry, Raúl Aníbal   (2013). La empresa comercial frente a la comunidad : empresas B  (artículo).  Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Departamento de Publicaciones.  [consultado:  ] Disponible en el Repositorio Digital Institucional de la Universidad de Buenos Aires:  <http://www.derecho.uba.ar/publicaciones/pensar-en-derecho/revistas/3/la-empresa-comercial-frente-a-la-comunidad-empresas-b.pdf>