Configurations of the feminine in Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (1900-1960). Preliminary results.

Falcone, Rosa; Proyecto UBACyT Instituto de Investigaciones Facultad de psicología Universidad de Buenos Aires - García Neira, Noelia Natalia; Proyecto UBACyT Instituto de Investigaciones Facultad de psicología Universidad de Buenos Aires - Morera, Valeria Karin; Proyecto UBACyT Instituto de Investigaciones Facultad de psicología Universidad de Buenos Aires

Anuario de Investigaciones; Vol 26
Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires
es, en
Femininity; history; gender; psychoanalysis - Femineidad; historia; genero; psicoanálisis
The present work aims to develop the preliminary advances of the UBACyT research project: “Transformations of the feminine: metaphors, speeches and cases of Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis between the end of the 19th and mid-20th centuries”. In this sense we maintain that the configurations of the feminine are stratified in the field of psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis according to the use of certain metaphors and social discourses that have not only a descriptive value but a performative one This defines a praxis and builds not only realities but pragmatically define an entire symbolic universe. Thus, recognizing the synchronized action of social history and the transformations of gender ideologies as they have been taking place, we consider questioning from our disciplines: psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis, the different changes of female subjectivity oriented in the time period before delimited.
ISSN 0329-5885

Descargar texto: 15939.oai

Cita bibliográfica:

    Falcone, Rosa; Proyecto UBACyT Instituto de Investigaciones Facultad de psicología Universidad de Buenos Aires ; García Neira, Noelia Natalia; Proyecto UBACyT Instituto de Investigaciones Facultad de psicología Universidad de Buenos Aires ; Morera, Valeria Karin; Proyecto UBACyT Instituto de Investigaciones Facultad de psicología Universidad de Buenos Aires     (2020-05-11).  Configurations of the feminine in Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (1900-1960). Preliminary results.    En: Anuario de Investigaciones; Vol 26.  [consultado:  ] Disponible en el Repositorio Digital Institucional de la Universidad de Buenos Aires:  <>